Wednesday, December 11, 2019


December 9 - January 30

Warm up this winter with a new twist on our annual Winter Reading Club!  All you need to do is stop by the Children's Room and pick up a Winter Reading Club tracking bookmark.  On the back of the bookmark, you will record 4 titles of books  you have read.  The bookmark will become your entry form to win one of our cool prize baskets!  Just drop the book mark entry form in the entry box beginning Monday, December 16.

For kids birth - Grade 6.
Enter as often as you can fill in bookmarks!
3 prize baskets will be offered for 3 different age groups. 

The Winter Reading Club ends Thursday, January 30 at 4:00pm when the names of the three winning tickets will be drawn from the entry boxes.  It is not necessary to be present to win.  Happy Reading!