Monday, September 16, 2013

Come visit us at the Bellmore Street Fair!

Join us at the Bellmore Street Fair on 
Saturday, September 21st.

  September is "Library Card Sign-Up Month"!  A library card is the smartest card you can own.  We will have library card applications available as well as information and brochures about the many programs and services the North Bellmore Library has to offer at our fair table.  Learn just how smart of a card it is!

In addition, there will be some great giveaways available to patrons stopping by and showing their North Bellmore Library card.  While visiting the library table, fill out a raffle ticket to be entered to win one of three baskets of goodies.  Basket categories include:

Adult basket
Young Adult basket
Children's basket

Please remember to have your library card with you when you stop by and say hi!  Giveaways available while supplies last.  We look forward to seeing all of our wonderful patrons!