Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Summer Reading Fun!!!

Summer Reading can be a lot of fun!

If you are going on a family vacation this summer, read about your trip.  Mark your travel route on a map and highlight it as you go.

Look up in the sky on a clear summer night to find constellations.  Use a guidebook on stars to help you discover their names and find their locations.

  Find out all about summer's favorite treat to eat - ice cream!  We have terrific books on this cool dessert.

Delight your family and friends by reading a book in a funny accent! Or maybe check out  a few books or DVD's on learning a new language! We have language DVD's for Spanish, Italian, Mandarin Chinese and French.

Let the FUN begin!!!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Let the DIGGING begin!

The Children's Room Summer Reading Club bulletin board is rapidly filling up as our young patrons select fantastic reads and "Dig Into Reading".  There is still time to come down to the Children's Room and sign up to receive a goody bag, reading log and your name on the bulletin board.

The championship trophy is on display and up for grabs!  Which school will be declared the Summer Reading Club Champions and go home with the golden trophy?  Will it be your school? 

The more books you read, the higher the number of books recorded for your school.  The North Bellmore Elementary School with the highest number of books read during the summer will win the trophy and will receive a donation of new books for their school library!